Check out NiCHOLI'S First-Night-Ride with Magicshine!
The vast majority of Magicshine riders are using our lights for road rides or on the trails.

Nov 8 2022
Nov 8 2022
Road cyclists lean towards the Ray 2600 or RN 3000, whereas mountain bikers gravitate to the Monteer 6500S or 8000S. Throw on a helmet light and taillight and you’re good to go. We generally know what lights to recommend depending on the type of riding you do.

Obstacles come at you faster, it feels like you’re riding at warp speed and there’s something majestic about the woods at night.
What we didn’t plan for, however, was that we’d find a rider crazy enough to use our lights to practice for a slopestyle event at Crankworx.
Enter Nicholi Rogatkin. We set up Nicholi with our flagship product, the Monteer 8000S V2.0 to get in a few more practice runs before he left for Crankworx Rotorua.
Let’s just say he left us thoroughly impressed and we’re almost feeling motivated to try our first backflip. Check out some of the highlights of his night session here on his Instagram. We’ll be sure to get some more footage of Nicholi’s skills at night in the future…stay tuned.

As the reviews on BikeRadar make clear, night riding presents new challenges; “obstacles come at you faster, it feels like you’re riding at warp speed and there’s something majestic about the woods at night.” This kind of challenge requires quality gear to get you home in one piece, and it’s no wonder the only light to receive their coveted 5-star rating was the Monteer 8000S. With light output up to 8000 lumens, light patterns for forward and peripheral coverage, and 90 minutes of battery run-time at max output, this handlebar mounted light will keep you riding all winter long.
Check out our Black Friday and Holiday Specials now to save big time on one of our best sellers. No guarantees you’ll be doing backflips though.