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How Magicshine helps to keep riders on the road safe

How Magicshine helps to keep riders on the road safe

See and Be Seen

by Nathan Van De Graaff · Update Dec 24 2021

As the days grow shorter, cyclists find themselves on the road with fewer hours of daylight, potentially putting themselves in dangerous traffic situations. According to the National Safety Council, preventable bike fatalities were up over 40% between 2011-2020, and the vast majority of those fatalities involved crashes with cars. Distracted driving, delays in infrastructure projects supporting cyclists, and an increased number of cyclists on the road likely means these alarming trends will continue.

Tips for safty ridding

While wearing white, or light-colored clothing has long been a suggested solution, studies indicate they have little impact on the crash statistics. The CDC, however, recommends that active lighting is one of the most effective ways at making cyclists more visible, and in many countries around the world and states in the US, active lighting is required to ride a bike on the road at night. In summary, bicyclists need to be seen to prevent collisions and lighting is the best way to accomplish that.

So what is active lighting?

Active lighting includes a red taillight or reflector and white headlight. It’s that simple.
At Magicshine, our highest priority is your safety, and we offer a variety of taillights and headlights that will meet your budget and riding needs.
The newly launched SEEMEE 508 taillight has the smart technology needed to ensure cars have plenty of time to see you. Radar sensors detect the speed of vehicles approaching behind (up to 140 meters) and provide you with that information, while changes in your speed adjust the brightness levels of the red light to alert vehicles around you. On the handlebars or helmet, we have an assortment of options, from the high-powered RAY2600 to the budget-minded ALLTY600, with varying brightness levels and beam patterns so you can avoid obstacles in the road and be seen by oncoming traffic.
Our goal at Magicshine is to power you through the night safely, and our lights will allow you to see, and BE seen.
Stop by today and keep yourself safe.



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