No Beer For a Year-Cycle Event

 Appeared smooth road, suddenly descend into darkness;lost in forest and back to the beginning; unexpected heavy rains and strong winds in the mountains, broken tire, exhausted body... To some extent, those challenges had just made the fantastic nature views even marvelous.


And have to say that good bicycle lights are life saver. Thanks to ALLTY 2000/Monteer 6500 front light and SEEMEE 60 tail light, sponsored by Magicshine. "First day of the #nobeerforayear tour in the Basque Country. From Bilbao to San Sebastian in 220km and 5000m climb. We climbed every hill we could find! Enjoyed every minute." "STEEP and beautiful. 200k and 5000up. Backroads, concrete, super steep radio tower up and backs, gravel, something that used to be a road, crash, worn out brakes, Descending in the dark. For the love of cycling." 



"Amazing pics with the sunset but the descent in complete darkness with fog and wet roads was very scary! Good that we had our @magicshinelighting lights!."



"Another massive day with more than 5000hm on beautiful but steep roads. Tire cut while descending, worn out brake pads, tired legs and late arrivals in the dark. Riders starting to feel it. For the love of cycling."



"Setting up the lights for a long descent in complete darkness from the top of Pierre de St Martin. Have you ever descended with the road bike in the dark? It's an amazing experience.

Riding on top of the col on sunset and realizing you will have to do the descent in complete darkness."



"Lost in the forest,donde esta whatever. Some walking, some hydration problem with ginger and a race back to Bilbo. Post ride beers before the rain."



"Mama Mia Machuchos and so much more. Early start in Bilbao and ending in Punte Viesgo after 195k and 4600hm. Strong winds in the mountains made it a bit interesting."


Thanks for all friends, and this goona be such a cherish memory for us.

All efforts worth with the love for cycling !

[Thanks for stories shared by IG@Bruno Rodrigue, @Rasmus Pellizotti

, and all photos credits to @biziosona]



How did they do that


Magicshine Lights with Riders in Spain.

During Sept 17th-Sept 23th.2019, 6 experienced riders from 4 different countries, and with background from multiday events, mountains and racing, started from Bilbao, rode 1465km/34500hm in 8 days, through Pyrenees, Basque, Cantabria, Backroads and unknown climbs. Started from the early morning to the late night, and met unexpected weathers and situations.



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